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How to add the header logo in wordpress?

Login to your admin panel: On left side go to Appearance and click on Header You will see header image option Now click on add new image Selece your image and click on SAVE AND PU...

How to get current theme name and package name in magento?

Current Package name Mage::getSingleton('core/design_package')->getPackageName() Current Theme name Mage::getSingleton('core/design_package')->getTheme('frontend') Read the...

How to change the logo in magento ?

First, you need to login to the admin panel. Then go to System ==> Configuration ==> Design ==> Header. There change the image name to what you want. Upload your Logo ski...

What is the use of in_array() function in PHP?

If you want to check particular value exists in an array or not,then you can use in_array() function. Example: Output: PHP exists For Technology Business write for us blogs subm...

What is difference between echo() and print()?

introduction: echo and print both are used to display output in PHP. echo/print both can be used with or without parentheses Syntax: Difference: In PHP echo does not return an...

What is difference between require() and include()?

require() and include() both are used for including files in PHP. When you include a file using include() and that file is not exists then it will give warning(E_WARNING) and...

How to remove index.php from the website URL in magento?

There is an easy way to remove index.php from your website url only in case the mod_rewrite module is enabled on your server. To check this, you may contact your server administrat...

How to get the regular price and sale price in woocommerce?

IN WordPress platform the Woocommerce is the best platform that used for an eCommerce solution. Sale price and regular price are just meta keys. we can easily get the prices by usi...

How to stop a Vimeo or Video by close with Jquery

In some of the cases when we close the button of a modal or popup in which our Video or Vimeo is playing. after closing the Vimeo or video still playing. Do not worry. we can cl...

Add active class to the menu li in wordpress

By default, there is a .current-menu-item class added in the menu li. we can easily add the active class by simple WordPress filter. add_filter('nav_menu_css_class' , 'special_nav_...
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