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What is PHP?

PHP is a server side scripting language commonly used for web applications. PHP has many frameworks and cms for creating websites.Even a non technical person can cretae sites using...

What is Object Oriented Programming?

This is usually a pretty open ended question. You should understand classes (objects are instantiated classes), abstract classes, interfaces, methods, properties,inheritance, multi...

Javascript detect DOM ready

I am going to provide you pure javascript code to check DOM is ready or not. Please see below code,once DOM has been full loaded it will alert "Developer Gang". window.dg =...

Can wordPress use cookies?

Yes, wordpress use cookies.WordPress uses cookies, or tiny pieces of information stored on your computer, to verify who you are. There are cookies for logged in users.

Briefly explain the procedure to pass a variable by value in WordPress?

Passing a variable by value in WordPress is similar to as that in C++. We have to just add an ampersand in front of the variable to do the task. $X= &$Y

Blog is a necessary part to be included in a WordPress Website?

No, it is not a necessary part. Although WP was first designed as a platform for blogging now it can be used for every genre of websites. Blogs are added to the website to provide...

Alternative CMS of WordPress?

Joomla Drupal Ghost Movable Type Silver Stripe

prefix of WordPress tables by default?

By default, wp_ is the prefix

How to Link External jQuery/Javascript files with WordPress

Add your own scripts via wp_enqueue_script() in your template’s functions.php, appropriately setting dependences on jQuery, and wp_head() will add the scripts for you.

How to create Custom Taxonomy specific to a Custom Post type?

First of all, if you want to show taxonomy meta box only to custom post type then register the taxonomy to only that custom post type by passing the custom post type name as argume...
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