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How to set cookies in PHP?

Setting new cookie ============================= Getting Cookie ============================= Updating Cookie ============================= Deleting Cookie =...

How to declare an array in php?

Just Follow the Below example::: Eg : var $arr = array('apple', 'grape', 'lemon');

require_once(), require(), include().What is difference between them?

require() includes and evaluates a specific file, while require_once() does that only if it has not been included before (on the same page). So, require_once() is recommended to us...

What are some of the big changes PHP has gone through in the past few years?

There are a number, but the big ones people are looking for are: a. PHP 5.0 realised the object model (AKA OOP). b. 5.1 added PDO - for accessing databases. c. 5.3 - added name...

Explain how a PHP session works?

A PHP session cookie is set in the clients browser, on every request the client sends that cookie to the server. PHP then uses that cookie to select the corresponding session infor...

What are the different tables present in mysql?

Total 5 types of tables we can create 1. MyISAM 2. Heap 3. Merge 4. InnoDB 5. ISAM 6. BDB MyISAM is the default storage engine as of MySQL 3.23.

In PHP what is the difference between a Class and an Interface?

Interfaces do not contain business logic, only method signatures that define a template that any classes implementing the interface must contain. Lets take an auto mobile for examp...

Who is the father of php and explain the changes in php versions?

Rasmus Lerdorf for version changes go to http://php.net/ Marco Tabini is the founder and publisher of php|architect.

What is the use of "echo" in php?

It is used to print a data in the webpage, Example: , The following code print the text in the webpage.
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