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Create a chess board using for loop php

In this Post we will create a chessboard pattern, an 8x8 grid of black and white squares like this: Use table width="270px" and take 30px as cell height and width. Check...

How PHP Reverse Number Program Works?

It is very easy to reverse a number using PHP string function strrev(). But here i will show you without using strrev() function. fucntion findReverseNumber($number){ $r...

Add badge to the Ionic v1 tabs

To add a badge to the ionic v1 tabs, use the following code: <ion-tabs class="tabs-icon-top"> <ion-tab title="Home" icon-on="ion-ios-filing" icon-off="ion-ios-filing-ou...

How to send an email using ajax in Wordpress?

Here we will learn how to use ajax in the wordpreee, How to send an email using Ajax that means without refreshing a page we will send an email. I am showing you an easy way for...

Wordpress Get Featured Image URL in Image Tag

WordPress Get Featured Image URL in an Image Tag. Our team of coders has simple exampled to show the WordPress featured image in the tag,So that you make it useful for as required...

How to Get Instagram images using Instagram Api with jquery?

In this tutorial i will tell you how to get the Instagram Images with the using of the instagram api. IN the below tutorial i am using the jquery to get the images from the insta...

How to get a custom taxonomy names, description and Images in wordpress?

In general we are in used of cresting the taxonomy like categories, Countries or another_category. That could be the any name. To create a taxonomy Click HERE Okay if our tax...

How to Create Registration Form in Wordpress Without Plugin?

After a lot of study about Wordpress, we found the most asked question about Wordpress is: How to Create Registration Form in Wordpress Without Plugin? So the Answer we have explai...

Javascript date comparision

Here, i am going to give you very useful tips about Javascript Date. Some time you may face situation like this you need to compare two Javascript date less than, more than or...

What is the difference between single quotes and double quotes?

Single quoted strings will display things almost completely "as is." Variables and most escape sequences will not be interpreted. Double quote strings will display a host of es...
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