Add your own scripts via wp_enqueue_script() in your template’s functions.php, appropriately setting dependences on jQuery, and wp_head() will add the scripts for you.
First of all, if you want to show taxonomy meta box only to custom post type then register the taxonomy to only that custom post type by passing the custom post type name as argume...
The site_url() will always be the location where you can reach the site by tacking on /wp-admin on the end, while home_url() would not reliably be this location. The home_url() wou...
WordPress has no bi/multi-language feature built in by default. The other road would be to extend the site with Add-ons like plugins and themes that have multi-language features bu...
Custom post types are new post types you can create. A custom post type can be added to WordPress via the register_post_type() function. This function allows you to define a new po...
The wp_title and the the_title both are the different functions of Wordpress and have a different purpose.
Normally we see these function as the same but in general, they are diffe...
The child theme could optionally override other template files like author.php, category.php, functions.php, style.css, etc. The WordPress framework first looks for a template file...
A template tag is a code that instructs WordPress to “do” or “get” something. Like in header.php we will use the tag bloginfo(‘name’) to get “Site Title” from the wp-options table...
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