We know in today’s time most of the High trademark names are posting on their website about the Google algorithm updates. While there is no recent update that is officially announced by Google.
The basic core updates tend to happen as we called it software updates. This normal update does not relate to the ranking of your website keywords. Only if you are following the proper White Hat SEO.
The updates which make sense and officially announced by Google on their blog have explained below. Check and make changes accordingly.
We are covering the 3 major Google algorithm updates in which One is running as a ranking factor and the other 2 will run as per new date. The new date will be announced later by Google.
- Web Stories
- Page Experience - New Upcoming Ranking Factor
- Structured Data Updates
1. Web Stories:

As you are already aware of the Facebook Stories feature on your Facebook App, Instagram App, Snapchat Stories feature, etc. Similar to this, Your website link in Google Search will show up with the web stories that you have added in the website.
To Add the web stories you have to add follow the AMP Criteria for Google Search.
To Check the Criteria and know about building web stories check official Google Developer Link below. Here to clarify that before starting you must read the Technical guidelines for Web Stories on Google.
If you are not able to create web stories then get back to us in email, we will do this for you.
Please Note: Currently this is on Beta version mode by Google and they have given us a plugin in a beta version for download.
This Plugin is very easy to use and understand the things about web stories.
Here is the link for the plugin to download: https://google.github.io/web-stories-wp/beta/
This Web stories feature is work on Google images searches as well as Google Discover.
Do not worry this is the first reporting by Google for the Web Stories. You will get more updates in Future.
2. Page Experience (A Future Ranking Factor):

It uses the Core web vitals. This word may be heard by most of the experienced SEOs in Google Search Console.
Core Web Vitals: Generally can say consists of Interactivity of the user to your website, Your website overall speed, And User retention rate, etc.
Apart from the Core web vitals, the Page Experience Google update consists of Mobile - Friendliness, Https secure website and intrusive interstitial guidelines.
For intrusive interstitial guidelines: https://webmasters.googleblog.com/2016/08/helping-users-easily-access-content-on.html
3. Structured Data Updates:
This is a very important update because this is the update which we can say are used to get ranking higher on Google. As we are telling with the experience we have added to our client’s website while doing SEO (Search Engine Optimization). And we found Google structure data very useful.
To add Google Structured markup you can check our free tool: https://developergang.com/structured-data-tool/
To test your page check the Google Structured Data testing tool: https://search.google.com/structured-data/testing-tool/u/0/
For rich results supports testing tool: https://search.google.com/test/rich-results
You can check here and can add schema as per your website features.
For example in our website Developer Gang, we have added the Sitelinks search box schema.
After testing our website this is showing link this: https://search.google.com/test/rich-results?id=LHQR7-B27wB8Yr7i8rfBjQ
Similarly, you can add more as per your requirements. We recommend to all of the readers to use this as per your Business niche. And if you are a business owner then ask your marketing agent to implement this in your website.
You can also check other third parties testing tools for Structure data. This will help you to even create a Data like Recipe, Local Business, Reviews, etc.
The more latest news regarding Structured Data is They are showing the Licence images and AMP article markup in the Rich results test. So if you are added some of these in your website you will get to know as we have analyzed.
News by Developer Gang Marketing Experts: Mobile-First Indexing date is to be extended by the Google Search Team to March 2021.
This will give you extra time to set up your page or any part of the website which is not up to the guidelines of Mobile-first indexing. You can set up with the help of your developers.
If you have any questions in mind or any more news you have to share with us just comment below. or you can direct email us at: developergang1@gmail.com