Plugins are ways to extend and add to the functionality that already exists in WordPress. The core of WordPress is designed to be lean and lightweight, to maximize flexibility and...
The custom theme allows for SEO search, but with an SEO plugin available it would not make much difference to normal theme. One benefit using the Custom theme is that it allows mak...
To create a static page in WordPress, in the page section you have to upload PHP files to the server in the theme folder, and then select that as your template. This allows you to...
sing do_shortcode() function inside of php tag. A very simple solution is to use the do_shortcode() function inside a PHP echo tag.
Shortcode is used in a WordPress post or...
Read the below:::
If client is working on non-CMS base projectIf site wants complex or innovative e-commerceIn case of enterprise intranet solutionSites requiring custom scripti...
Following are main files which used in wordpress
index.php :- for index page.
search.php :- For display the search result page.
single.php :- for single post page.
wp_nav_menu() :- Displays a navigation menu.
is_page() :- to check if this is page OR NOT, will return boolean value.
get_the_excerpt() :- Copy the excerpt of the post into a...