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Is Wordpress opensource?

Yes, Wordpress is opensource and you can do customization as per your requirement. Wordpress is built in PHP/MySql/javascript/jQuery which is also an opensource.

Are there any limitations to a WordPress web site?

You can use WordPress for e-commerce sites, membership sites, photo galleries and any other type of site you can think of. The web site is created using the same HTML code as any o...

How safe is website on WordPress?

The word press is safe to operate but still it is suggested to keep updating with the latest version of WordPress to avoid hacking.

How to run Custom Query in Magento ?

Check out the below code. $db = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getConnection('core_write'); $result = $db->query('SELECT * FROM users where id=4');

Explain how you can reset Magento file & Directory permissions?

You can reset Magento file & Directory to their default and secure permissions, by following commands from the directory where Magento is installed find . –type f –exec chmod 6...

What are different Modules of Magento?

Core Modules Community Modules Commercial Modules

How to add an external javascript/css file to Magento?

Check out the below code. js/yourfile.js css/yourstyle.css or skin_jsjs/ yourfile.js skin_csscss/yourstyle. css

How to include CMS block in template file(.phtml)?

PUT THE BELOW CODE IN PHP TAG WITH ECHO. YOU WILL FIND YOUR BLOCK WILL BE THERE. $this->getLayout()->createBlock('cms/block')->setBlockId('static_block_id')->toHTML();...
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