What is Hemp?

What is Hemp?

Hemp is the plant that produces edible and nutrient-rich seeds. The hemp plant is identical to marijuana Cannabis in terms of science. Hemp seeds don't have the same effects as cannabis, although belonging to the same genus. Healthy fats, nutrients, and minerals included in hemp seeds have a number of positive effects on human health. 

Hemp seed has the potential to enhance learning and memory. 

  • It can make people move more. 
  • It can improve insulin sensitivity. 
  • It can have antifungal properties. 
  • It can  have anti-inflammatory properties. 
  • It could lessen discomfort. 
  • It can stop neuronal deterioration.Potential Applications of Hemp Seed for General Health: 

Hemp seed may be used to treat ovarian hormone deficiency-related symptoms. Hypercholesterolemia 

In a study published in 2021, that examined the effects of hemp seed on hypercholesterolemia brought on by ovarian hormone insufficiency. With hemp seed supplements added to the diet, the experiment provided unchanged levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in plasma. According to this study, hemp seed may be able to treat hypercholesterolemia, which is brought on by a lack of ovarian hormones. To support the prospective usage of hemp seeds, more study on human efficacy needs to be done.

Hemp seed may be used as a cancer preventative. 

According to Leizer et al. 2000, hemp seed oil contains omega-3 PUFA, which may have an inhibitory effect on malignant cells and may function as an anti-cancer agent. Inhibitory effects on tumour growth have also been observed. In addition to Omega-3 PUFA, hemp seed oil also includes a considerable amount of gamma-tocopherol, which has anti-cancer potential. Gamma-tocopherol is well known for preventing the development of colon cancer and minimizing the harm done to DNA by free radicals. 

However, these hemp seeds include a variety of bioactive substances that might neutralize free radicals. More clinical information is required for validation.3 Cancer is a dangerous illness, therefore if you experience any symptoms, see a doctor right away rather than trying to treat yourself. 

Hemp seed may be used to treat atherosclerosis. 

A study conducted in 2020 that described the possible uses of hemp for human health. Furthermore, tests have been carried out to confirm the impact of hemp seed on atherosclerosis, or the buildup of fat in the arteries. It was shown that adding hemp seeds to a high-fat diet may lower cholesterol levels and prevent changes in the aorta (the artery that carries blood from the heart to other body regions) brought on by atherosclerosis. Consuming hemp seeds also lowers inflammation and lipid levels, which may lessen oxidative stress. 

Hemp seed may have anti-aging properties. 

By considerably enhancing the morphology of the spleen and liver, gut flora, memory, and reducing inflammation, they demonstrated that hemp seed combined with a vegetarian diet may have a positive effect on promoting health and lifespan.

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