The Bond of Teacher and Student

The Bond of Teacher and Student


The fact that so many kids miss class is one of the biggest problems for teacher-student relationships. Students are becoming more and more prone to chronic absenteeism, which is defined as missing at least 15 days of the school year, and it has alarming consequences. Chronic absenteeism in elementary school can predict eventual high school dropout rates. Building relationships with these classmates can seem practically impossible if a child is absent from class.

Furthermore, pupils who have had negative interactions with adults in the past may find it difficult to trust teachers. This might apply to students who had unfair treatment from a previous teacher as well as kids from abusive or neglectful households. You might not always be completely aware of a child's upbringing. Remember that the issue may not be you if you're having trouble connecting with a pupil; rather, it may be a traumatic history. Share your thoughts about teacher and student Relationship with us on the Relationship Write For us category. 

Things to Remember 

  • Gives Structure 

The majority of pupils react favourably to having a framework in their classroom. They learn more and feel safer as a result of it. Without structures, teachers not only waste valuable instructional time but frequently never earn their students' respect. Setting the tone early is crucial, so teachers should model proper classroom behaviour and establish clear expectations. Teachers must establish reasonable rules and regulations that are consistently enforced. A well-organised classroom will ultimately have little downtime. There should be little to no downtime and lots of engaging learning activities every day.

  • Make learning Fun

Learning should be enjoyable and engaging. Anyone who wants to learn and study doesn't want to do it in a place where lecturing and taking notes are commonplace. Because they have the teacher's complete attention and can take care of their education, the students appreciate the creative, engaging sessions. Make certain that your lessons are interesting to your students at all times. It helps to create an enjoyable learning atmosphere and fosters communication between the teacher and the learner. Teachers who regularly plan engaging, amusing, and inventive classroom activities are adored by their students.

The Bottom Line 

Some students require instructors who will go above and beyond to assure their success. For instance, some teachers offer additional tutoring before and/or after class for the problematic pupils. They create additional work packets, show real concern for the student's welfare, and interact with parents more regularly. Going above and beyond could entail giving up your time to work with a student even after they have left your classroom. Recognising and addressing the needs of the student both within and outside of the classroom is key. It creates a long-lasting, solid teacher–student bond.

Everyone, including the teachers, has terrible days. Each of us goes through difficult personal struggles. Making sure that your personal problems don't affect your ability to educate is crucial. Every day, teachers should enter the classroom smiling and with a good outlook. Positive thinking is expanding.

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