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Woocommerce add extra product tabs on single page.

Sometimes you need to add some extra tabs on a single page. It's very easy to add extra tabs, before adding tabs you need to create custom fields to add tab content from the ba...

types of hooks in WordPress...

Hooks allow user to create WordPress theme or plugin with shortcode without changing the original core files. two types of hooks: 1) Action hooks 2) Filter hooks 1. Action...

What is WordPress?

Word press is a best Open Source CMS which allows it to be used free of cost. You can use it on any kind of personal or commercial website without having to pay a single penny for...

Redirecting Wordpress's Login/Register page to a custom login/registration page..

IN SOME CASES we have been used the plugin for the custom login, registration page. OR we have created our pages using custom codes for Login and register page. In that cases th...

Convert (div) Html to Image using Javascript html2canvas with Example and Save using Ajax, PHP.

Sometimes you need to convert your entire div to the image. In this post, I am going to Convert the div or HTML to image with using jquery, javascript html2canvas with an example....

How to get the date of post in a separate day, month and year variables wordpress.??

Sometimes our custom design requires Day, month and year in a seprate or wow looking format... For this we need the day for the post, month for the post, and Year for the post in a...

How to redirect a page in php?

very easy way: header("Location:index.php"); // here index.php is the page where we want to redirect. you can change the name where to want to redirect.

What is difference between require_once() and require()??

The main and basic difference between them is ..... When we use require_once() to include the file as the name tells once. it means the file that is included is be used only at...

How to include a file to a php page?

We can include a file using " include(); " or " require(); " function with file path as its parameter. Suppose we have a file named: register.php. And we want to include it in any...

How to use .xml and ppk file to connect with FTP (File Transfer Protocol)?

In some cases, Client provides us the .xml file and .ppk extension file to connect with the ftp for accessing the files. In that case, we need to connect it with our Filezilla....
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