Emerging Technologies That Will Change Our World In The Next 10 Years


We all already know that technology is the future. But yes, since the pandemic hit the world, we figured out that technology is going to take over sooner than we thought. 

All business leaders are already preparing for the future. They are trying to up their game tech-wise so they can stay in the lead. They are preparing for the technological upheaval in more or less than a decade ahead.

Many companies were forced to go remote during the pandemic. Going remote changed a lot for them. Many companies had to change the way they worked, and their whole work method changed just within weeks. But then, many companies such as Gaper.io were already prepared as they were already remote. See, such companies like Gaper.io are always a step ahead. Gaper knows the value that tech holds now and what it will in the future. In Fact, they themself deal in tech. They provide the top 1% of vetted software engineers to companies that need them, helping companies prepare for the future.

Here are some futuristic technologies that Gaper.io wants to help prepare you for.

Artificial Intelligence

The holy grail of artificial intelligence research is general AI, a machine that is self-aware and commands intelligence equal to a person's. AI is theoretical, but when it comes to being, it will be a human's intellectual equal. In addition to that, when V2.0 comes into being, humans will fall second in intelligence, which is ironic because humans are who will create it.

Till we take second place, we have a narrow AI. Narrow AI is smart too, but they perform specific and limited tasks. AI powers things like SPAM filters, Google Maps, and virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa, etc. in short, AI powers all the systems that we use in our daily lives in order to get our work done to save our time. 

Max Tegmark, a physicist and machine-learning researcher, said in an interview: "What we're seeing now is that machine intelligence is spreading out a little bit from those narrow peaks and getting a bit broader."

Narrow AI can improve a lot of applications in a few years. It can improve the use of Chatbots, logistics, self-driving cars, virtual nursing assistants, personalized textbooks and tutors, and even artificial creativity. These are just a few examples. Think about what V2.0 will be able to do. 

5G and the Internet of Things

Since we already have 4G, 5G might not seem like a big deal. Frankly, no one notices the difference between the latter and the former until they are forced to use the predecessor again in order to realize the difference. But get this, the 5G will be 100 times faster than the 4G, allowing many more devices to connect, better signals, and reducing latency to zero. 

IoT will have the backbone to lean on, helping it expand the power of the internet from the range of computers, etc., into objects, processes, and environments. The IoT is the keystone technology for such futuristic scenes as intelligent cities, robot-driven agriculture, and self-driving highway systems.

5G will also make remote work more dependable.

Serverless Computing

The name Serverless Computing is a little confusing since it's not literally "serveless." it wouldn't be possible, and it would even make sense. There is news to be at least one server somewhere in order to get things done. In reality, this technology just distributes resources more efficiently. Meaning, when a company's apps are not being used, they won't be allocated. In shorter words, it's cost-effective and provides ease. Companies are mainly worried about cost savings, which is precisely what Serverless Computing provides. 

As Eric Knorr, editor in chief of International Data Group Enterprise, writes: "One of the beauties of this architecture is that you get charged by the cloud provider only when a service runs. You don't need to pay for idle capacity—or even think about capacity. Basically, the runtime sits idle waiting for an event to occur, whereupon the appropriate function gets swapped into the runtime and executes. So you can build out a big, complex application without incurring charges for anything until execution occurs."


Most of you already know what a Biometrics system is. For those of you who don't, well, it's a system that allows you to get into systems such as your phones, laptops, locks, etc., through your facial scans, retinal scans, thumbprints, etc. Moreover, most of you must already have it on your computers and phones, but as the technology advances, it might eliminate the password paradigm. 

And now, what is so special about biometrics? Well, it might be the end to stealing, hacking, frauds, etc.; you see, many people use the same password for multiple accounts or, for that matter, an easy one, so they don't forget again and again. The repetitive pattern makes it easy for hackers to commit fraud. But since everyone has different faces, retinal patterns, and fingerprints, it will be impossible for frauds to commit a crime. 


Technology is moving faster than we thought. And the above mentioned  possible future techs are not the only ones that are expected in the future. There are way more to come. 

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