Millions of people are already using Magento 2 for their e-commerce store; no doubt, its web design layout is a fully loaded package to launch a perfect store. Since it is implicit that almost every eCommerce store out there is using a Magento 2 site, it is therefore important to become skilled in optimizing your site for improved scalability, productivity, viable mobile layouts, remarkable updating features and many more. To make clearer some of these optimization features, let’s look at some few do’s and don’ts that can help give way to the better customer experience while visiting your eCommerce site.
1) Set All Cache Types To Enabled
To enable all cache types on your magneto site, scroll to system cache management and make sure all your cache types are set to enable. If cache types are disabled, choose select all from the drop-down menu and then select enable. When everything is set to enable, you’ll begin to notice that pages visited would be cached into the system, so the second time you re-visit the page, it would load faster – this applies to both the frontend and the backend.
2) Set Your Magento 2 Browser Settings For Better Viewing Experience
Both merging and magnifying your JavaScript CSS files will compress the size of the files that’s been downloaded by the browser of your visitor. For better viewing experience, go to settings in store, click the configuration button, then tap on the advance option, and select developer. If you expand both the JavaScript and CSS sections, you’ll see the full settings relating to merge and magnify. Change the“No” settings to “Yes” and hit save. Also, make availability for
“woocommerce price by country”, which enables your Magento site to charge different prices for each product, depending on the customer’s country.
3) Enable Database Caching
To enable database caching, navigate to stores then go to the configuration menu to expand the catalog frontend. Set both used flat catalog categories and used flag catalog products to “yes”; this is a form of database caching, which will result in the fast loading of information on the frontend of your store.

This method of database caching also gets much of your necessary attributes from various tables in your database and merges them into one easily accessible file that can be also helpful when using Woocommerce mix and match feature for encouraging customers to buy in bulk.
4) Make Sure To Update Your Magento Version Consistently
You can always check for updates by going to your Magento web system wizard settings, choosing a system upgrade from the menu. When the page finishes loading, the wizard will tell you if there’s an update available. If there is an available update, you can complete it by following the steps from the prompt dialog box.
5) Simplify Checkout Process on Your Magento Store
Nothing wrecks a store than complex and confusing checkout processes. With the help of simple layout design, you can easily reduce the cart abandonment rate on your Magento store and the easiest way to do these is to make available a simple form for filling in the shipping and billing information, thereby making the pages as compact and concise as possible.
6) Select The Right Hosting For Your Magento 2
It doesn’t matter where your customers are based, you can reach them from any country, but if you really want a fast response while using your Magento 2 site, you have to choose a web server that is located in your country. If there isn’t a server available in your country, find one closest or you can choose a different service provider that can ultimately do the job. Having a server so far away will result in increase delay in your eCommerce store, and that’s the foremost thing to avoid.
You can also read the
Magento Interview Questions to know bit more about the Magento
1) Do Not Enforce The Requirement For Customers Sign-ups
It is okay to gather information about visitors and buyers, but you have to evaluate the importance of either making sales or obtaining the information of buyers. Although, most users will even sign up on your store without asking. However, since making sales is paramount for your eCommerce store, there should be no harm in providing an available option for guests who want to shop on your store as quick as possible. If keeping information of the customer is mandatory for you, you can still provide an option to save users' information at the end of each order by circuitously prompting users to fill a form so that they can file a complaint whenever the need arises.
2) Do Not Neglect The Importance Of Proper Categorization
No customer visiting your site will be happy when it’s difficult for them to easily find what they’re looking for, even if your store has a wide range of interesting products. To prevent the hassle in manually navigating from one section to another on your site unnecessary, it is best to provide subcategories for every category as much as possible.

Also, while providing an appropriate classification of categories, ensure to include the required filters and sorting options as well. Making use of the Magento custom design product page is a sure solution to categorization and
mix and match woo-commerce issues
3) Do Not Manage A Magento SiteThat LacksEnough Contact Information
Now we all know that an e-commerce Magento site has the credibility of increasing its trust level by having easily accessed contact information available for customers and visitors. Having an AI Chabot that answers to customer’s inquiries is not just enough; you have to include the backing of a real human that answers to calls or text messages in a prompt manner for customer satisfaction.