Common Misconceptions About Autism in Children


When it comes to autistic children, the parents or guardians need to take care of them even better because they have special needs. It is a must that they do so to ensure that no severe issues will happen to the child once they grow up. In most cases, children with autism who have loving and caring parents grow up to become more successful than normal children. 

However, what some need to know is that children living with autism are not all that different. They think that it is extremely hard to take care of them, but it is the opposite. Parents and guardians devoted to taking care of autistic children have a higher chance of being accomplished in life. For people who want to know more about children with autism, there are several misconceptions you should be aware of. 

FALSE: Children with Autism Are Friendly All the Time

One misconception about children living with autism is that they are not that socially interactive with other people. They tend to struggle with basics, like talking to a person due to their condition. However, do not take it the wrong way whenever they are too shy or unfriendly because they cannot speak their desires for any sort of relationship, the same as a child without autism. 

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FALSE: Children with Autism Can Notice Another Child or Person’s Emotions

Autism can affect a child’s ability to notice other children or people’s emotions, and they may have a hard time processing it. You may have seen children with autism run around playing in places that do not match their current mood, like funerals. People need to understand that they do not do this intentionally, so do not hold any grudge towards them. However, they can understand how you feel whenever you directly communicate with them. Talking to them personally can help them feel your emotions better. 

FALSE: Children with Autism Are Intellectually Smart

In some cases, autism can bring all kinds of challenges for the child, and one of those is being intellectually disabled. They might have difficulty reading and understanding words, communicating with simple words, or even understanding their own emotions. However, there are instances where some children with autism have an enhanced part of their brain that makes them extremely talented at it. Some may have a photographic memory or have a knack for singing and playing instruments, like the famous champion of America’s Got Talent Season 14, Kodi Lee, who was born with autism at an early age. 

FALSE: Autism Does Not Affect Children

What some are not aware of is that children born with autism will grow up having autism. There is no available cure for autism since it is usually inborn. The only way parents can help people with autism is to take special care of them as early as possible. Once parents discover that their children are diagnosed with autism, they need to be prepared to ensure their child grows up normally. 

FALSE: Autism is Only a Brain Disorder

Children with autism can potentially suffer from severe co-occurring conditions like gastrointestinal disorders, allergies, and even epileptic seizures. 

All these might seem overwhelming, but with proper training and expert guidance, you can bring up some positive change for children living with autism. For parents who recently had their children diagnosed with autism, make sure you get them autism therapy to ensure proper development of their skills. Many reliable workshops can give you effective goals and plans for your child.

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