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What is MVC?

MVC stands for Model, View, and Controller. PHP MVC is an effective way to manage the code into 3 different layers. Model: Model represents the information in applicatio...

How to get the date of post in a separate day, month and year variables wordpress.??

Sometimes our custom design requires Day, month and year in a seprate or wow looking format... For this we need the day for the post, month for the post, and Year for the post in a...

How to redirect a page in php?

very easy way: header("Location:index.php"); // here index.php is the page where we want to redirect. you can change the name where to want to redirect.

What is difference between require_once() and require()??

The main and basic difference between them is ..... When we use require_once() to include the file as the name tells once. it means the file that is included is be used only at...

How to include a file to a php page?

We can include a file using " include(); " or " require(); " function with file path as its parameter. Suppose we have a file named: register.php. And we want to include it in any...

How To Submit A Form Without Submit Button Php Jquery Javascript??

Easy way to save a form without using a submit button is javascript. Just Check and use the below code for submitting a form without button. <html> <head> <scrip...

What is the use of in_array() function in PHP?

If you want to check particular value exists in an array or not,then you can use in_array() function. Example: Output: PHP exists For Technology Business write for us blogs subm...

What is difference between echo() and print()?

introduction: echo and print both are used to display output in PHP. echo/print both can be used with or without parentheses Syntax: Difference: In PHP echo does not return an...

What is difference between require() and include()?

require() and include() both are used for including files in PHP. When you include a file using include() and that file is not exists then it will give warning(E_WARNING) and...
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