Cannabis: Is it good or bad?

Cannabis: Is it good or bad?

What are Cannabis's Health Advantages?

Research over the years has produced findings that point to the possibility that cannabis may be helpful in the treatment of certain ailments. 

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Here is a list of them.

1. Blood Pressure Reduction

In a 2018 study, participants' blood pressure was found to be reduced by CBD. It decreased their blood pressure both at rest and after stressful exercises including mental arithmetic, isometric training, and the cold pressor test.

2. Decreased Inflammation 

 A Study has been shown to assist in reducing inflammation and the potential neuropathic pain it can produce.

3. Keeping drug and alcohol addiction from relapsing 

According to a 2019 study, CBD can be helpful for those who struggle with drug and alcohol addiction. CBD decreased the stress-related cravings, anxiety, and lack of impulse control that frequently lead to relapse, according to a preclinical trial with lab rats.

4. Handling anxious conditions 

The most frequent condition for which people use CBD is anxiety, and a preclinical study revealed that it may be helpful in treating many anxiety disorders, including anxiety disorders such as panic disorders, social anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders, and PTSD.

5. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

All of the published scientific material that examined cannabis' use in treating mental illness was evaluated for the review article that was published in Clinical Psychology Review.

Treatment of depression and post-traumatic stress disorder has been supported by some data, according to the study's authors.

However, they do warn that several other mental health illnesses, such bipolar disorder and psychosis, should not be treated with cannabis.

As a result of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine review, cannabis users may be at increased risk of social anxiety, which contradicts the review's suggestion that there is some evidence to suggest that cannabis might ease the symptoms of social anxiety.

6. Cancer

There is evidence that oral cannabinoids are useful in treating chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, and a few small trials have suggested that smoking cannabis may also help to reduce these symptoms.

7. Handling digestive system (GI) issues 

According to a new study, GI diseases like IBS, IBD, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, and others can be effectively prevented and treated with CBD and other non-psychoactive cannabinoids. The anti-inflammatory effects of CBD are essential for treating and avoiding symptoms.

8. Eliminating seizure risk 

The use of CBD to treat epilepsy and other seizure syndromes has been studied for many years, and a recent study found that it can be effective in symptom reduction and seizure frequency reduction. 

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According to certain research on cancer cells, certain forms of cancer may be killed or slowed down in growth by cannabis. Early research on humans that investigated this theory, however, found that while cannabinoids are a safe medication, they are ineffective at preventing or treating cancer.