Identifying Relapse Triggers and Avoiding Them


No place is free from addictions of any kind. Sydney, one of Australia’s major cities, is known to have high alcohol and drug addiction rates, with alcoholic drinks, nicotine, and cannabis being the most consumed items. The NSW Health funds alcohol and drug withdrawal rehabilitation management programs and facilities, in an attempt to lessen substance abuse among its population.

According to Sydney Detox & Rehab, one of the struggles for individuals recovering from addiction is the withdrawals and relapse. These road bumps can slow down recovery and even put it to a halt altogether. In order to get through the recovery process without relapsing, one must take preventive measures. This primarily focuses on identifying and avoiding triggers and abstaining from triggering activities.

Here are the most common relapse triggers that you should be aware of and be careful to abstain from or mitigate.

1. Stressful Situations, Including People

Stress is one of the major causes of addiction relapse. Truthfully, addiction roots itself in a person’s psyche and is indicative of certain trauma or life struggles, stress being the most common. Addicts may turn to substances, using it as a coping mechanism to ease the stresses in their life.

To avoid and manage this trigger, it is important to identify what in particular is your source of stress. It may be a toxic relationship, academic pressure, and work stress, among others. Though it is impossible to cut out everything from your life, avoid certain situations that evoke intense levels of stress. You can then turn to other healthy coping mechanisms like journal writing, reflection, music, or arts. You might also consider seeing a therapist in a good facility, like Sydney Detox & Rehab.

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2. Things, Places, and People Connected to Behaviour or Addiction

Suppose you know of people who have encouraged and participated in your addictive behaviour or encountered a place, maybe an alley or a bar where you used to feed your addiction. In that case, it might be high time to recognise that these things, places, and people are doing you more harm than good. 

It is important to learn how to properly manage your emotions when you are reminded of your addiction. This may be saying no to an invitation to a bar, or avoiding happy hour. 

A healthy activity may be a great way to help you recover and replace unhealthy ones. Instead of going out to drinking nights, invite your friends out for a walk or hike instead.

3. Negative Thoughts and Emotions

Negative thoughts and emotions are a trigger that is not easily recognised. This is because it is mainly internal. To cope with your addiction and recovery, you need to be mindful and recognise moments where you are clouded with negative thoughts or emotions. 

When you feel like your mind is focused on the negative aspects of life, do what you can to snap back into reality. This can be in the form of repeating a motto or chant to yourself silently, redirecting your focus to positive things, or verbalising what you feel.

Final Word

Addiction recovery is a tough road to navigate that is often filled with roadblocks and potholes. Though it may seem like a never-ending dark path, eventually you will see the light. Remember to practice mindfulness and spatial awareness to keep your mental state well and your mind clear. Recognise your triggers when you can to avoid scenarios of relapse.

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