25 professions of the future


Cybersecurity specialist

Identifies threats to information security and risks of the data loss, develops and, implements measures to counter the threats and solutions to protect against information loss; ensures the safety and confidentiality of data; participates in development and implementation of IT solutions

Mobile phones, computers, cars, and for some time even household appliances connect themselves and their owner with a huge amount of data. Gigantic proportions have reached information systems in business, trade and finance, as evidenced by the current cryptocurrency boom.

All this has led to the formation of new values ​​created or transmitted in cyberspace. Along with this, there was a threat of theft of these values, their damage or substitution. A cybersecurity specialist is required to counter cybercriminals with the ability to protect the information, anticipate the actions of criminals, and create a secure architecture for using data.

Cybersecurity experts work in large financial and IT companies, the value of such personnel is noted in government bodies, defence departments, where their main task is to ensure national security and prevent the introduction of public infrastructure.

The need for such specialists is especially evident now, due to the growing number of cybercrimes and cases of cyberterrorism.

Hacker attacks are recorded in all corners of the world. Among most resonant, it is worth mentioning the spread of the WannaCry, Petya / NotPetya viruses, which caused significant damage to banking systems and large companies in different countries.

Profession Drivers

informatization of the most areas of human activity an increase in the number of cybercrimes, the emergence of threats in the information space precedents for cybercriminals intervening in national security interests of different countries the blockchain technology development, cryptocurrency market formation

What tasks will the specialist solve?

  • Fight against cybercrime in all its manifestations, including cyber terrorism and extortion
  • development of preventive methods to combat malware, protection of private information and intellectual property
  • ensuring the stability of the work of socially important information systems, preventing situations of the collapse of the banking system
  • protection and prevention of external interference in infrastructure, including power grids
  • search for potential vulnerabilities in existing systems, their elimination

What knowledge and skills will he have

  • high level of programming skills
  • attentiveness and accuracy when working with code, the ability to find hidden and unobvious sources of infection
  • combination of programming skills with knowledge of the physical properties of technical devices
  • analytical skills, ability to calculate the consequences of certain changes
  • the ability to quickly assess threats and their sources
  • ability to work with large data arrays

understanding of the principles of conducting cyberattacks, knowledge of possible ways to protect against them.

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